
Endowment Information

Dear Our Lady of the Holyland Parishioners,

Within the last year, Our Lady of the Holyland Parish was blessed to receive a significant monetary gift from the estate of a parishioner. After much discussion and research, the parish council unanimously agreed to invest it through Catholic Community Foundation (CCF) for future maintenance of our buildings, grounds and projects.

There are 50+ Catholic parishes who have invested with CCF including:
* Congregation of Good Shepherd, Eden
* Holy Family, Fond du Lac
* Holy Name of Jesus, Sheboygan
* Immaculate Conception, West Bend
* St. Frances Cabrini, West Bend
* St. Matthew, Campbellsport

CCF invests in funds that comply with socially responsible investment criteria of the Roman Catholic Church.

While the money was initially invested, the necessary approvals and paperwork were completed to establish an Endowment. Only part of the interest the Endowment will generate will be used; the principal will remain invested and continue to grow along with other gifts given to the Endowment.

Please prayerfully consider a gift to this Endowment. No gift is too big or too small. It was created to enable us to continue the legacy of Our Lady of the Holyland Parish sites in the communities of the Holyland for future generations.

Below is a brief summary of how you may contribute to this Endowment as part of your estate planning. St. Lawrence Seminary created a document containing more extensive information. To receive a copy, please contact either parish office.

As you plan your estate, you should have an executor to manage your affairs after you have passed. Talk to your attorney to help you choose the right person.

Thoughts for choosing an executor:
* Your executor must be honest and trustworthy
* Your executor should be organized and detail-oriented.
* Your executor will need to be able to communicate effectively with beneficiaries, family members, and the probate court.
* Your executor will need to be able to commit the time required to manage your estate, which could take a year or more.

Wills are subject to a court supervised process called “probate.” Although the probate process can work to protect your interests and make sure your wishes are carried out as you intend, there are some disadvantages:
* The probate process can be time-consuming.
* Probate can add expense to the administration of your estate.
* Most probate court files are public records.
* Probate could delay the distribution of your assets to your heirs.

Probate can by bypassed by:
* Adding beneficiary designations to bank accounts, investment accounts, retirement accounts, and life insurance policies.
* Giving during your lifetime
* Reducing your assets

We are grateful for your steadfast support. Please consider planning for the future of Our Lady of the Holyland Parish. You can support our parish and help yourself at the same time by:
* Creating a Charitable Gift Annuity, OR
* Directing a portion or all of your IRA distribution to Our Lady of the Holyland Parish.
* Giving a check or cash directing it to the Endowment

If you have any other questions or need other information, please call one of the parish offices.

Our official name and address:
Our Lady of the Holyland Parish
308 South County W
Mount Calvary, WI 53057

Vision Statement:
As disciples of Jesus in the Holyland, love unites us beyond all difficulties.
God will do the rest.
Mission Statement:
We are God's children in the Holyland striving to welcome one and all.
We welcome new parishoners.
Please call the Parish Offices.
920-753-3311 or